Say goodbye to endless searches and missed opportunities.

Say hello to Brydgit.

The only platform that discreetly connects buyers and renters with off-market/office exclusive listings.


Let brokers know you are looking for a home now


Find the ideal buyer/renter for your listing now

Buyer / Renter

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Most buyers/renters spend much time searching the internet and calling brokers in the hopes of finding office exclusives and other off-market home listings. With Brydgit’s proprietary system, these properties find you. Brydgit allows brokers to search buyers’ housing preferences and privately present them the latest off-market opportunities.

With Brydgit, buyers & renters can now gain access to all

  • Off-Market Properties
  • Office Exclusive Listings

Input your ideal
housing criteria

Receive notification of
matched criteria

Connect with the
Listing Broker


Sign Up

As a Broker, securing a listing is the result of a lot of hard work – canvassing, networking, cold calling and marketing as well as other time-consuming disciplines. In order to maximize your return for all your efforts, Brydgit helps you find your buyer/renter easily and quickly without jeopardizing any control or privacy.

With Brydgit, brokers can now identify buyers by

  • Area of Interest
  • Price Range
  • Home Criteria

Input your listing

Find your ideal

Connect with your


Brydgit makes it effortless for Buyers to work with all brokers without doing any of the calling or constant follow up. The brokers come to you with the house you want.

You will be notified by email that a broker has a property that fits your criteria. The email will give you instructions about how to communicate with the broker.

No. Brydgit is designed to provide access to off-market and other non-listed houses.

No. Privacy is of the utmost importance to us at Brydgit. Your information can only be provided by you if you choose to share it with a broker that has a property that meets your critiera.